Wednesday, June 27, 2012

poddar kennel reviews

poddar kennel : Bringing a pet into your family is a joyous event, but if you don’t plan well, the joy can quickly turn into stress. This isn’t an instant and quick decision to make. Do some researches, discuss the decision as a family, and spend some time with friends’ pets before making what should be a lifelong commitment to providing a home for an animal. And if you — or anyone in your family has known allergies, you’ll want to do even more research into finding an animal that doesn’t trigger symptoms.
Here is a checklist to help you understand and decide before you plan to add a new furry family member into your home:
Life Span: The average life span for most dogs is between 10 and 15 years, and up to 20 years for cats. When you commit to making a pet part of your family, you need to think realistically about how that will impact your life for the next decade or two — and make sure you’re ready to take on that responsibility.
Research on different breeds: Even if you have pet allergies, not all animals will cause the same symptoms. Research and spend time to find out variety of that you are not allergic to. It could be as simple as adopting a dog instead of a cat. 
Budgeting- Even if you get a pet for little or no cost, suddenly having another mouth to feed can add up to the overall expenses. Also factor in annual vet checkups, vaccinations, grooming, tags, collars, toys and emergency medical costs that may crop up if your pet gets sick or injured.

Never ignore your surroundings and lifestyle- Is your home pet-friendly? Make sure animals are allowed where you live and that you’ll be able to easily accommodate the pet’s need to go outside. And think about your lifestyle. If you travel a lot, plan ahead for how you will deal with pet sitting. If no one is home all day, think about what kind of arrangements you’ll need to make to ensure that your pet is fed and walked as needed. And if you’re adopting a dog, know how much exercise the breed requires. If you won’t be able to do more than a walk around the block, pick a pet that’s happy with that level of activity.

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