poddar kennel reviews Cats Care

Cats are territorial by nature, and, unlike dogs, are not pack animals that would normally live in social groups. Cats can therefore happily remain on their own for long periods of time, making them the ideal pet for owners with a busy lifestyle.

Cats are naturally very clean animals. They will always groom themselves when healthy, and are careful in their toilet behaviour. If there are changes in their behaviour it is probably a sign that there is something wrong - physically, emotionally or psychologically. A vet can check if there are any physical problems, In a city where people live in flats and crowded localities, cat should be kept in at night to help them stop roaming.

CATS ARE "NO-MAINTENANCE" PETS. Because cats are litter-trained, some people think that simply giving their cat food and water is enough. Not so. Cats also need regular veterinary care and, just as important, lots of love and attention. 

CATS ALWAYS LAND ON THEIR FEET. While cats can often land on their feet after a short fall, falling from heights is another story. Upper-level windows and porches, unless securely screened, should be off-limits to cats, particularly in high-rise buildings. 

CATS CAN'T BE TRAINED. Cats will, of course, do things their way if left to their own devices. But most cats can be taught to obey simple rules like not scratching the couch, eating plants, or jumping up on the kitchen counter. Repeated, gentle, and consistent training gets results. Also, if a cat understands the rules and has an approved outlet for her scratching impulses, such as a sturdy scratching post, there will be no need to have her declawed, a painful and unnecessary operation. 

CATS AREN'T HAPPY UNLESS THEY CAN GO OUTSIDE TO ROAM AND HUNT. Cats like to play, prowl, and pounce, and they can do all those activities indoors with you and a few toys -- without being exposed to predators, disease, traps, poison, and traffic. Indoor cats are healthier, happier -- and safer! 

CATS CAN SEE IN THE DARK. Cats cannot see in total darkness any better than a person can. They can see better than other animals in semidarkness, however, because of their eyes' anatomy. 

CATS DON'T NEED TO WEAR A COLLAR AND TAGS. An identification tag is a lost cat's ticket home. Every cat, even an indoor cat, should wear a collar with an ID tag to help him come home if he is lost. Many cat owners believe a collar can injure a cat. But a breakaway collar lets a cat escape if the collar becomes snagged. 

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