poddar kennel reviews about Doberman


In Europe, the breed is known as Dobermann, written with two n letters as an honor to its founder, German tax collector and night guard who needed a dog for personal protection, Louis Dobermann. Dobermann breed is relatively young, it has been bred a little more than 100 years. Dobermanns in Europe are bred under the FCI rules. It has been about 50 years since dobermann left Europe and went to US where they obeyed AKC standard which led to a slight split of the breed. Despite the fact that they all originate from Germany, nowadays they are very different in temper and appereance. one can easily notice the differences. Even the name is different: Dobermann opposed to Doberman Pinscher.

I have always loved dogs, but during my teenage years, when my neighbour got a Dobermann, I was so impressed that i immediately lost interest for other dogs. I had eyes only for dobies. Soon I got myself my first dobermann and from than on, dobies have always been big part of my life.

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